On Air
Indie on the Offbeat Indie, synth, alt, and anything in between. Come and find what plays on the offbeat.

Host Spotlight

no responses. May 9, 2017 Floppy Disco

Brenda Flores | In the Meadow

Brenda Flores | In the Meadow

by: Barbara DeMarco-Barrett First tell me about your DJ name and your show name—what inspired them? My DJ name is Sweet Jane, after The Velvet Underground […]


no responses. November 22, 2016 KUCI

Ryan Foland | The 3-1-3 Show

Ryan Foland | The 3-1-3 Show

by: Barbara DeMarco-Barrett Tell us about the genesis of your show, Get Notified. Ever since I came to UCI, I was always a fan of KUCI […]


no responses. July 24, 2016 KUCI

Erick Ramirez | Shut Yo’ Metal Mouth

Erick Ramirez | Shut Yo’ Metal Mouth

by: Barbara DeMarco-Barrett Tell me about your show, Shut Yo’ Metal Mouth, and how it came to be. The name for the show came out of […]


no responses. January 17, 2016 KUCI

Nicole Nelson | cohost of Writers on Writing

Nicole Nelson | cohost of Writers on Writing

by: Barbara DeMarco-Barrett BDB: While I of course know how you found your way to KUCI, in your own words tell our readers and listeners how […]


no responses. December 16, 2015 KUCI

Paige Pierot | Space Cowgirl

Paige Pierot | Space Cowgirl

by: Barbara DeMarco-Barrett Tell me about Space Cowgirl. What was the inspiration for your show? Space Cowgirl is the crazy, melodramatic, retro-futuristic space party that exists […]


no responses. September 9, 2015 KUCI

Liz Wood | Neon Daydreaming

Liz Wood | Neon Daydreaming

by: Barbara DeMarco-Barrett Tell me about your show at KUCI. Neon Daydreaming originally started out last year as all synth-pop music, but has transformed into something […]
