Tom Bindewald | Ladies Of Voice Entertainment & Music
5 November 2018 Host Spotlight
by Barbara DeMarco-Barrett
Who are some of the artists you play on your show, Ladies Of Voice Entertainment & Music?
A few favourite artists:
• Céu { Maria do Céu Whitaker Poças }
• Emily Jane White
• Angel Olsen
• Myrkur {Amalie Bruun}
• Mika Nakashima
• Summer Twins {Chelsea & Justine Brown}
• Cyntia {Yui, Ayano, Saki, Azu}
• Beach House {Victoria Legrand, Alex Scally}
• Brooke Annabelle
• Dum Dum Girls {Kristin “Dee Dee” Welchez, Jules Medeiros, Sandra Vu, Andrew Miller}
Do you find them on your own or do you pluck unknowns from the plethora of CDs that stream into the station?
The sources for music for Ladies Of Voice Entertainment & Music are the KUCI music library, Bandcamp, and my home CD library.
Where did the show name come from?
As computer programmer professional it is a common practice to create clever acronyms; therefore, in the context of selecting a name that reflected the focus of show I thought of various acronyms that worked. With that, I decided upon: ‘LOVE&M’, which is the acronym for the show title: “Ladies Of Voice Entertainment & Music”.
You started it around 2015 and your wife joined in 2017? Talk about its evolution.
With my wife’s completion of the KUCI training class in the spring of 2017, we added a section dedicated to her favourite genre of music, classical. As for myself, I continue, along with periodic assistance from Hobart Taylor who provides Jazz and Classical music selections, to present music from indie rock, dream rock, Goth ethereal, and folk – with additional selections for world music.
How did you find your way to KUCI?
I got lost walking through parking lot behind the Science Library whilst following the UCI “Swag Man” to discover where he is employed. Well, that makes for a good story. Actually, while talking from time to time with a student who worked at the UCI Starbucks, she mentioned that she had a world music show on KUCI. After a couple years later, I received an email regarding signing-up for the KUCI training class, which I took in the winter 2015.
Your DJ name is DJ#6. Why?
My DJ name is taken from the short lived show “The Prisoner” whose character’s name is ‘Number 6’ (played by Partrick McGoohan). Additionally, there is a relationship between Patrick McGoohan’s university studies in mathematics and “Perfect Numbers”, the first in the series being 6, and my using the DJ name: “DJ #6”.
Apart from your show, you do quite a bit for KUCI.
Currently, I have the enjoyment of managing an excellent group of people that comprise the KUCI Live Band Engineering team that makes it possible to host live performances, and present recorded performances on-air.
In addition, I assist with installing, reconfiguring and occasionally repairing KUCI’s audio equipment. My contribution to KUCI in these areas has allowed me to grow in my technical knowledge and share in the mission of KUCI with a group of delightful people.
And you work at UCI, too. You love it here, right?
Yes, I am Programmer Analysis for the Office of Information Technology and have been at UCI since 2007. For the most, I enjoy numerous facets of my career endeavours at UC, Irvine — good colleagues, a few who have been or are currently KUCI DJs, pleasant work environment, and access to variety of music events.
Other KUCI shows you listen to?
A good number of Saturday and Sunday daytime shows when I am around KUCI working or writing my playlist. Several during the week as time permits during the day while working at the office. In the recent past, 2016 and 2017 I use to listen all the time to Howdylicious while setting-up for the live band performance on Liz Wood’s music show: “The Show”.
Do you take call-ins?
Yes, I enjoy accepting requests for songs whenever people call-in. Of course, being in the 6am to 8am time spot means most listeners are either getting ready for their day or commuting to work or school, which generally reduces the number of callers; yet, it provides for a larger audience.
What do you hear from your listeners?
Generally, three things: requests, what artists and songs I recently played, and complements for focusing on women artists and bands.
Okay, a couple more personal questions. What’s on your nightstand?
Well, actually my two small three drawer dressers are next to my side of the bed. Upon them currently rest my original black 2010 MacBook, a book box filled with various important items, a backpack with a Mackie Mixer packed inside. Additionally, my phone, glasses, and keys. A rather dishevelled collections of stuff’ in an over crowed one bedroom apartment.
Last book you read that you loved?
Most of the books I have read in the past ten years are Star Trek science fiction novels that I find interesting, as well as being a delightful indulgence that allows me to explore the realm of possibilities and inspirations within the familiar milieu of well-known characters. It is a liberating experience from the confines of the usual office routine, along with being an invigorating nexus of imagination, creativity and adventure.
What is something about you that few people know.
I have written for the past many years, and continue to write, on occasion, poetry. Additionally, I enjoy writing an annual April Fools newsletter for the past several years that mixes real events with thoughtful humour and sarcasm.
And lastly, what would you like listeners to know about KUCI.
That KUCI provides outstanding music: eclectic, refreshing and bold from wonderful DJs. Additionally, KUCI offers a great variety of educational, enjoyable, and inspirational talk-shows from our dedicated and knowledgeable talk-show hosts. The staff at KUCI is dedicated to making our listeners lives enjoyable, and to inspiring them to discover the best of their human potential.
— November 5, 2018
Barbara DeMarco-Barrett is host of Writers on Writing, Wednesdays at 9 a.m., and a contributor to USA Noir: Best of the Akashic Noir Series (Akashic, 2013). Watch the book trailer at penonfire.com.