

The Darkling Eclectica,
from 4PM till 6PM
over KUCI, Irvine,
88.9 FM

A few words from our producer and chaircreature, Carmen Lacertae:

Where does the time go? Or the thyme, for that matter? Sometimes, I think that little jar must have legs...

Still, new episodes of the Darkling Eclectica will continue appearing as usual on radios and various other audio devices Sunday afternoons from 4 till 6. For radios, 88.9 FM is the operative phrase while to use another sort of device, one should consult the information found on KUCI's Main Page.

You may also review the program's playlists going back years and years now if you'd care to see what's been going on around here. Or you can attach yourself in whatever the approved fashion is to Mike's Facebook page. As near as I can tell, he's posting his comics and random poetry over there, but he somehow manages to get the program's playlists to appear there as well. Ah, such technological synergy!

You can also read Michael's two on-line comic strips: Terebinth, posted every Monday, and Daily Grind, brand new on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at this point.

Mike's drawing them both as well as writing them, and if that doesn't make you quake in your boots, well, you can look at the pictures here and around the site to get an idea of what's in store for you. You can always check out the other comics we regularly read around the Darkling Eclectica offices, too, by clicking here.

Mike also spent several months reading the sequel to The Blood Jaguar, the novel he had published years and years ago. You can hear the sections at the Rat's Reputation page: 20 murky mp3 files of him overacting. Feel free to give it a listen.

Information concerning the Darkling Eclectica, "Hey, Your Nose is on Fire" Industries, and other associated matters:

Watch this space for:

Clicking on The Darkling Eclectica will allow you to send your comments directly to Duke, our powerful Pauly- Wisowa E25 computational system. Please feel free to do so.

Our Staff: to read the profile of a staff member, simply click on that person's name.

Carmen Lacertae--Chaircreature

Ned Priapus--Continuity & Webmaster

El Brujo--Security

Paul E. "Duke" Wisowa--Computational System

Michael H. Payne--Air Personality

Click here for KUCI's Main Page, or you can do the things listed below since, as it says in the box--

This Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Net Ring site
is owned by
Michael H. Payne.

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