Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 17:07:06 -0800 (PST)

Edward Said in OC; Civil Commitment Laws under Scrutiny

Irvine -- Subversity, a KUCI public affairs program, brings you this evening a two-part show.

In part one, we'll bring you the Q&A portion of cultural critic Edwdard Said's talk last night at Chapman University. This airs at 5 p.m. on KUCI, 88.9 fm in Orange County, Calif., or on the Web via

In part two, at 5:30 pm, we chat with Mark McHarry, author of an article in Z Magazine on the dangers of civil commitment laws for sex offenders. To chat with the guest, call 949 824-5824 during the show.

Additional sources on limits of civil commitment laws etc.:

Mark McHarry's article: "Sex Predator Laws"

Alexander Cockburn's "The Quadruple Axel of Evil"

California Sex Offender Registration Requirements

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