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 2009 Interviews
  • Dr. Michael Turner
  • Jim Palmer
  • Joanne McNabb
  • Andrew Smith
  • Anthony Oncidi
  • Kirk Nahra
  • Jim Harper
  • Jason Rich
  • Susan Grant
  • Tom Oscherwitz
  • Tina Stow
  • Beth Givens
  • Paul Fogel
  • Marjorie Cohn
  • Jeff Dion
  • Gillian Hayes
  • Larry Ponemon
  • Les Rosen
  • Lee Tien
  • Collaborative
         Law Professionals
  • Lothar Determann
  • Chris Hoofnagle
  • IAHL
  • Ed Mierzwinski
  • Jay and Linda Foley
  • Judge James (Jim) Gray
  • Laura Innes, Esq.
  • Jonathan Kirsch
  • Nuala O'Connor Kelly
  • Hanna Hasl-Kelchner
  • Robert Siciliano
  • Robert Brownstone
  • Senator Joe Simitian
  • Chi Chi Wu
  • Bob Sullivan
  • Robert Brennan
  • Peggy Eisenhauer
  • Kevin O'Grady
  • Dr. Larry Ponemon
  • 24hr Jazz Festival
  • Dr. Marcel Adam Just
  • Technical Difficulty
  • Peter Cullen
  • Dan Solove
  • Bryan McDonald
  • Madison Ayer
         Evan Hendricks
  • Susie Vanderlip
  • Tom Johnson
  • Aurea McGarry
  • Robert Ellis Smith
  • Robin Davis
  • Pam Dixon

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  • 2009 Archive Below:
  • Dr. Michael Turner
  • Jim Palmer
  • Joanne McNabb
  • Andrew Smith
  • Anthony Oncidi
  • Kirk Nahra
  • Jim Harper
  • Jason Rich
  • Susan Grant
  • Tom Oscherwitz
  • Tina Stow
  • Beth Givens
  • Paul Fogel
  • Marjorie Cohn
  • Jeff Dion
  • Gillian Hayes
  • Larry Ponemon
  • Les Rosen
  • Lee Tien
  • Collaborative
         Law Professionals
  • Lothar Determann
  • Chris Hoofnagle
  • IAHL
  • Ed Mierzwinski
  • Jay and Linda Foley
  • Judge James (Jim) Gray
  • Laura Innes, Esq.
  • Jonathan Kirsch
  • Nuala O'Connor Kelly
  • Hanna Hasl-Kelchner
  • Robert Siciliano
  • Robert Brownstone
  • Senator Joe Simitian
  • Chi Chi Wu
  • Bob Sullivan
  • Robert Brennan
  • Peggy Eisenhauer
  • Kevin O'Grady
  • Dr. Larry Ponemon
  • 24hr Jazz Festival
  • Dr. Marcel Adam Just
  • Technical Difficulty
  • Peter Cullen
  • Dan Solove
  • Bryan McDonald
  • Madison Ayer
         Evan Hendricks
  • Susie Vanderlip
  • Tom Johnson
  • Aurea McGarry
  • Robert Ellis Smith
  • Robin Davis
  • Pam Dixon

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    Co-host/Engineer: Lloyd Boshaw
    Protect Your Privacy in the Information Age
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    Dec 28, Dr. Michael Turner - President of the Policy and Economic Research Council

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    Dr. Turner currently serves as President and Senior Scholar of PERC, which he founded. He is a prominent expert on credit access, credit reporting and scoring, information policy, and economic development. He has testified before Congress and numerous state legislatures, and presented studies to a host of government agencies including the FTC, the FCC, and the FDIC, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the Council of Economic Advisors, and the White House.

    Dr. Turner was appointed to the first Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee of the Department of Homeland Security by former Secretary Tom Ridge, and served on an Advisory Board at the Brookings Institution. He has advised senior government officials in more than 20 countries, and was a policy advisor to the Obama Campaign on urban policy.

    The author or co-author of dozens of books, studies, or articles, Dr. Turner is widely cited in the mainstream and trade media. He is a highly sought after public speaker who has addressed audiences worldwide. Dr. Turner has served as expert witness for both plaintiff and defense in several federal cases (class action, anti-trust) involving information policy, consumer credit, credit reporting and financials services.

    Dr. Turner served as Graduate Fellow at the Columbia Institute of Tele-Information at the Columbia Business School, Executive Director of the Information Services Executive Council, manger of government affairs for the North American Telecommunications Association, and staff assistant in the U.S. Senate.

    Dr. Turner received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in International Political Economy and his B.A. from Miami University in Economics. He was awarded a Yeck Fellowship from Harvard Business School, is an affiliate Scholar of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and was awarded the Ashoka Foundation Fellowship in 2009.


    Dec 21, Jim Palmer - President of the Orange County Rescue Mission

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    Jim Palmer was born and raised in Orange County, where he spent much of his childhood at the Boys & Girls Club in Newport Beach. At the age of 14, Jim felt called to rescue those who were less fortunate, and he has followed that calling.

    Jim was elected to the Tustin City Council in November of 2006. Jim currently serves the Citizens of Tustin through his service on the Orange County Library Board, Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency, Water Advisory Committee of Orange County, Senior Fund Board of Directors, and Tustin Pride Committee. He serves as alternate for the Newport Bay Watershed Executive Committee, Orange County Council of Governments Orange County Fire Authority and Orange County Sanitation District.

    On July 3rd, 2007 President George W. Bush nominated Jim for the position of Director, Corporation for National and Community Service. Sixty days later the United States Senate unanimously confirmed Jim�s nomination for his term ending 2011.

    Jim has quietly served on over 42 different non-profit Board of Directors. He has served seniors, veterans, children, families, those who are sick and those who are hurting. Jim married Michelle in 1993, who is the love of his life. Driven by passion and love for others, they began their family by fostering 9 children and adopting the first three: James, Kody and Nancy. When Nancy was born, she was a crack baby addicted to speed. Jim and Michelle spent a year of sleepless nights ministering to Nancy�s needs and helping her get through the trauma. Today, Nancy is a lovely, bright 10 year old girl. In 2001 Michelle gave birth to a daughter named Sophie.

    Radio talk show host Dr. Laura, when meeting Jim, wholeheartedly endorsed his common sense approach for helping people by offering them "a hand-up, not a hand-out."

    As President of the Orange County Rescue Mission (OCRM), the county�s most comprehensive private homeless services provider, Jim has worked to create long-term self-sufficiency and stability among our county�s homeless by going beyond temporary solutions to address the underlying causes of transitional and chronic homelessness.

    Believing in a hand-up and not a hand-out philosophy, Jim has worked to effect systemic change as well as to personally assist the homeless in areas of affordable housing and healthcare; behavioral health issues, such as mental illness, drug and alcohol addiction, and HIV/AIDS; illiteracy; financial incapacity; unemployment and under-employment due to the technological divide; domestic violence; and the culture of poverty which leads to a lack of hope among its members.

    Jim has led OCRM to address the growing needs of homeless families and individuals living in and out of motels, cars, parks, and other diverse places through the development of mobile outreach programs to serve the homeless. These include a mobile food pantry, two mobile medical clinics, a fixed medical clinic for low-income patients with no insurance, and a mobile technology vehicle for training and career services.

    Within Orange County, Jim is widely known as a leader in the field of homeless issues. He believes absolutely in the benefit of collaboration to accomplish a greater good, and provides invaluable guidance and insight through his volunteer involvement on numerous government and nonprofit boards. Since 1997, he has served as a County Commissioner for the Orange County Housing Commission; today he serves as its Vice Chairman, and was instrumental in the development of the Continuum of Care Leadership Cabinet, a sub-committee of the Housing Commission which assists in the development of regional strategies for homeless programs, which he serves as its Chairman. Out of this Leadership Cabinet, the county government was guided to create planning groups to focus on advocacy, homeless prevention, outreach and assessment, transitional and emergency shelters, and affordable housing programs.

    As Chair of the Leadership Cabinet, Jim has helped the Orange County government secure over $60 million in federal funding for county homeless programs. Furthermore, Jim's vision for collaboration led him to found the Orange County Partnership, a collaborative group of hunger, housing, and healthcare providers. In addition, Jim recently served on the Orange County Mental Health Board.

    Under Jim's visionary leadership, OCRM has received national recognition for their rates of success from client graduates and entrepreneurial approaches to developing self-sufficiency, including award of the 211th Presidential Point of Light, Governor Schwarzenegger's Service Award (2004), and most recently, recognition from President George W. Bush at the First Annual Faith-based Initiatives Conference in Washington, D.C., where Jim had a place of honor on stage with the President.

    Jim's passion for helping the homeless extends far beyond a desire to benefit OCRM. He leads by example and is known for his honesty and integrity. Thus, he has earned the respect of numerous local & national officials. When Hurricanes Katrina and Rita hit in 2005, Jim and the Orange County Rescue Mission led a county-wide effort to assist the hurricane evacuees who came to Orange County. As a result, this was the only county in the nation who allowed a government, public and non-profit disaster recovery effort to be led by a non-profit organization.


    Dec 14, Joanne McNabb - Chief of the California Office of Privacy Protection

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    Joanne McNabb is Chief of the California Office of Privacy Protection. Created by legislation and opened in 2001, the first-in-the-nation Office is a resource and advocate on identity theft and other privacy issues. In addition to providing information and education for consumers, the Office also publishes privacy practice recommendations for business and other organizations.

    McNabb is a Certified Information Privacy Professional and is co-chair of the International Association of Privacy Professionals' Government Working Group. She also serves on the Privacy Advisory Committee to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and is a Fellow of the Ponemon Institute. She is a frequent speaker at privacy conferences and seminars.

    Before starting the Office of Privacy Protection, McNabb had over 20 years experience in public affairs and marketing, in both the public and private sectors, including five years with an international marketing company in France. Her marketing background gives her an understanding of the commercial uses of personal information that have become a significant privacy concern.

    McNabb attended Occidental College and holds a master's degree in Medieval Literature from the University of California, Davis.


    Dec 7, Andrew Smith, Esq. - Financial Privacy Expert

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    Andrew M. Smith is partner in Morrison & Foerster�s Washington, D.C. office. He counsels various financial institutions on the full range of consumer financial services law issues. In particular, he advises clients on: financial privacy issues relating to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act), and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act; consumer lending issues under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act; and state and federal laws prohibiting unfair and deceptive trade practices.

    Prior to joining Morrison & Foerster, Mr. Smith served as the FACT Act Program Manager in the FTC�s Bureau of Consumer Protection, where he directed numerous rulemaking proceedings governing, among other things, the obligations of creditors and credit bureaus with respect to identity theft victims, the use of prescreened solicitations to market credit and insurance, the proper disposal of consumer information, the sharing of information among affiliated companies, and the provision of free annual credit reports to consumers. Mr. Smith also supervised the drafting and publication of several FTC studies of the credit reporting industry and the accuracy of information in credit reports. Mr. Smith also has served as an assistant to the director of the FTC�s Bureau of Consumer Protection, where he advised the director on a wide range of issues relating to consumer financial services and privacy, and coordinated the FTC�s legislative efforts to enact the FACT Act in 2003.

    Before his stint at the FTC, Mr. Smith was in private practice in Washington, D.C., counseling businesses on consumer financial services issues and representing clients before federal regulatory agencies and in the federal courts. He has successfully represented financial services and consumer products companies in FTC enforcement actions and in consumer class actions. Mr. Smith has also served as a staff attorney, Senior Counsel, and Acting Assistant General Counsel at the Securities and Exchange Commission, where he directed the writing of SEC decisions involving investment advisers, broker-dealers, and accountants.

    Mr. Smith is a frequent speaker at conferences on privacy, data security, and FCRA issues. He is involved in the American Bar Association, serving as Chair of the Federal and State Trade Practices Subcommittee of the Consumer Financial Services Committee. He also actively participates in the Privacy and Consumer Protection Committees of the Antitrust and Trade Regulation Section.

    Mr. Smith received his B.A. from Williams College in 1987 and his J.D. from the College of William & Mary in 1994, where he acted as professional articles editor of its law review. He is admitted to practice in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the District of Columbia.


    Nov 30, Anthony Oncidi, Esq. - Employment Expert and Chairman of the Los Angeles Labor and Employment Department

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    Anthony J. Oncidi is a partner in the Firm and the Chair of the Labor and Employment Department in the Los Angeles office. Tony represents employers and management in all aspects of labor relations and employment law, including litigation and preventive counseling, wage and hour matters, including class actions, wrongful termination, employee discipline, Title VII and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, executive employment contract disputes, sexual harassment training and investigations, workplace violence, drug testing and privacy issues, Sarbanes-Oxley claims and employee raiding and trade secret protection. A substantial portion of Tony's practice involves the defense of employers in large class actions, employment discrimination, harassment and wrongful termination litigation in state and federal court as well as arbitration proceedings, including FINRA matters.

    Tony is the author of the treatise titled Employment Discrimination Depositions (Juris Pub'g 2009; www.jurispub.com), co-author of Proskauer on Privacy (PLI 2009), and, since 1990, has been a regular columnist for the official publication of the Labor and Employment Law Section of the State Bar of California as well as the Los Angeles Daily Journal.

    Tony also is a regular commentator on employment-related issues for public radio station KALW-FM in San Francisco and has been a featured guest on Fox 11 and CBS News in Los Angeles. He has been interviewed and quoted by leading national media outlets such as The National Law Journal, Bloomberg News, The New York Times, CBS News, and Newsweek and Time magazines. Tony is a frequent speaker on employment law topics for large and small groups of employers and their counsel, including the Society for Human Resource Management ("SHRM"), PIHRA, the National CLE Conference, the Employment Round Table of Southern California (Board Member), the Council on Education in Management, the Institute for Corporate Counsel, the State Bar of California, the California Continuing Education of the Bar Program and the Los Angeles and Beverly Hills Bar Associations. He has testified as an expert witness regarding wage and hour issues as well as the California Fair Employment and Housing Act and has served as a faculty member of the National Employment Law Institute. He has been selected to serve as an arbitrator in an employment discrimination matter.

    Tony is an appointed Hearing Examiner for the Los Angeles Police Commission Board of Rights and has served as an Adjunct Professor of Law and a guest lecturer at USC Law School and a guest lecturer at UCLA Law School.

    Tony is ranked by Chambers USA as a leading lawyer in his field who is "credible and confident" and who provides "spot-on service" with "know-how and the ability to get to the point quickly."

    He is ranked as one of the "Nation's Top 100 Most Powerful Employment Attorneys" (Human Resource Executive) and one of the top 10 employment defense attorneys in California/top 5 in Los Angeles (Daily Journal). He has been selected by his peers throughout the United States to be a Fellow in the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers. Additionally, he has received the highest Martindale-Hubbell rating ("AV"), indicating "very high to preeminent legal ability and very high ethical standards as established by confidential opinions from members of the Bar."

    He received his Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, from Pomona College, and his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Chicago Law School. He is a member of the State Bar of California and is admitted to practice before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and all U.S. District Courts in California.


    Nov 23, Kirk Nahra, Esq. - Healthcare Expert

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    Kirk J. Nahra is a partner with Wiley Rein LLP in Washington, D.C., where he specializes in healthcare, privacy, information security and overall compliance litigation and counseling for the health care and property/casualty insurance industries and others in the financial services industry and elsewhere facing compliance obligations in these areas. He is chair of the firm's Privacy Practice and co-chair of its Health Care Practice. He works with insurers and health care industry participants in developing compliance programs and defending against government investigations into their practices. He assists companies in a wide range of industries in analyzing and implementing the requirements of privacy and security laws across the country and internationally. He serves on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Privacy Professionals, and is the editor of Privacy Advisor, the monthly newsletter of the International Association of Privacy Professionals. He is a Certified Information Privacy Professional. He also serves on the Advisory Board for the Health Law Reporter and the Health Care Fraud Report. He was named as the Co-Chair of the Confidentiality, Privacy and Security Workgroup, a panel of government and private sector privacy and security experts advising the American Health Information Community (AHIC) on privacy and security issues arising from health information technology. He has been named an expert practitioner by the Guide to the Leading US Healthcare Lawyers, a leading health care lawyer by The Best Lawyers in America directory and one of the leading privacy 'hired guns' by Computerworld.

    Mr. Nahra received his law degree from Harvard Law School, Cum Laude, in 1987. He received his undergraduate degree from Georgetown University, magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, in 1984.


    Nov 16, Jim Harper - Author and Director of Information Policy Studies for CATO

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    As director of information policy studies, Jim Harper focuses on the difficult problems of adapting law and policy to the unique problems of the information age. Harper is a member of the Department of Homeland Security's Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee. His work has been cited by USA Today, the Associated Press, and Reuters. He has appeared on Fox News Channel, CBS, and MSNBC, and other media. His scholarly articles have appeared in the Administrative Law Review, the Minnesota Law Review, and the Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly. Recently, Harper wrote the book Identity Crisis: How Identification Is Overused and Misunderstood. Harper is the editor of Privacilla.org, a Web-based think tank devoted exclusively to privacy, and he maintains online federal spending resource WashingtonWatch.com. He holds a J.D. from Hastings College of the Law.


    Nov 9, Jason Rich - Author and Journalist

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    Jason R. Rich is the bestselling author of more than 39 books. With 20+ years of journalism experiences, he's also a frequent contributor to numerous major daily newspapers, national magazines and popular websites. As an author and journalist, Jason R. Rich currently writes about travel, entertainment, career-related issues, personal finance, pets, credit repair, electronic entertainment (video and computer games), blogging, franchising, and the Internet (eCommerce) - along with a wide range of other topics. Since 1985, he has done literally thousands of interviews with well-known celebrities from television, motion pictures and the recording industry. He's also interviewed hundreds of professional athletes, entrepreneurs and top-level business leaders for a wide range of media outlets.


    Nov 2, Susan Grant - Director of Consumer Protection at Consumer Federation of America

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    Susan Grant is Director of Consumer Protection at Consumer Federation of America, a nonprofit association of some 300 non-profit consumer groups that was established in 1968 to advance the consumer interest through research, education, and advocacy at both national and state levels. Ms. Grant works specifically in the areas of privacy, deceptive marketing, online safety and security, fraud, electronic and mobile commerce, and general consumer protection issues. She coordinates CFA's Fake Check Task Force, conducts CFA's annual Consumer Complaint Survey, and is a recognized authority on combating consumer fraud and deception.

    Ms. Grant is also involved in global consumer protection issues through her work in the Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue, a group of consumer organizations in the United States and the European Union countries that provides input on cross-border consumer issues to the U.S. and EU governments, and her participation in the U.S. government delegation to the Committee on Consumer Policy at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. She began her career in consumer protection in 1976 as an investigator and Director of the Consumer Protection Division in the Northwestern Massachusetts District Attorney's Office. In 1993, Ms. Grant became Executive Director of the National Association of Consumer Agency Administrators, a professional organization for the heads of government consumer protection agencies. From 1996 to 2007 she served as Vice President of Public Policy and Director of the Fraud Center at the National Consumers League before joining the CFA staff in 2008.


    Oct 26, Tom Oscherwitz - Chief Privacy Officer and VP of Government Affairs for ID Analytics

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    Thomas Oscherwitz is responsible for monitoring and managing compliance with key government laws and regulations for ID Analytics as Vice President of Government Affairs. In addition, Oscherwitz, a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP), is the company's Chief Privacy Officer. Oscherwitz regularly gives consulting advice to ID Analytics customers in the areas of privacy, regulation, and legislation.

    Oscherwitz joined ID Analytics from the Office of Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Cal.) where he served as counsel to Feinstein and represented her for five years on the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology, and Homeland Security. During his tenure in the Senate, Oscherwitz played a leading role in the drafting of identity theft and privacy legislation, and helped draft key anti-fraud provisions of the FACT Act.

    Prior to working for Feinstein, Oscherwitz was legislative assistant for Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-Cal.) where he served as an aide on the House Science Committee and Judiciary Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law. He also worked as a research fellow in the Program on Medical Ethics for the University of California, San Francisco.

    Mr. Oscherwitz is the Chairperson of TechAmerica's Identity Management Committee and the originator of the Red Flag Forum on LinkedIn. He also recently served on a Presidential advisory Committee on identity management.

    Oscherwitz is a frequent public speaker and writer on the topics of identity theft and identity intelligence. He has addressed audiences at the International Association of Privacy Professionals, the Federal Trade Commission, the Department of Homeland Security, the Catalyst Conference, the American Bar Association, the GFIRST National Conference, and at numerous other venues.

    BA, Stanford University
    JD, University of California, Berkely



    Oct 19, Tina Stow - Senior Director of Privacy and Communications for LexisNexis

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    Tina Stow is Senior Director of Privacy and Communications for LexisNexis, a leading global provider of business information solutions to a wide range of professionals in the legal, risk management, corporate, government, law enforcement, accounting and academic markets. Within this capacity, she reports to the Senior Vice President for Privacy, Security, Compliance and Government Affairs and is responsible for communication with public and private sector stakeholders and LexisNexis associates on matters of privacy, security and compliance as related to the company's business. She also develops outreach and education strategies, privacy, security, and compliance policies and standards, and is responsible for Web site privacy policy compliance. Additionally, she manages the company's consumer opt-out program and responds directly to consumer inquiries relating to privacy.

    Tina earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies with a minor in English from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and Master of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Georgia.


    Oct 12, Beth Givens - Privacy Expert and Director of PRC

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    Beth Givens is founder and director of the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC), a nonprofit advocacy, research, and consumer education program located in San Diego, California. The PRC was established in 1992 with funding from the California Public Utilities Commission's Telecommunications Education Trust. It is an independent program of the Utility Consumers' Action Network, a nonprofit organization that advocates for consumers' interests regarding telecommunications, energy and the Internet.

    The PRC maintains a complaint/information hotline on informational privacy issues, the only one of its kind in the country. It publishes a series of guides on informational privacy issues. Topics include Internet privacy, wireless communications, credit reporting, identity theft, telemarketing, medical records, workplace privacy, employment screening, unsolicited mail, government records, children's online privacy, among others. These are available at the PRC's web site, www.privacyrights.org.

    Givens frequently speaks and conducts workshops on the issue of privacy. She has participated in many media interviews including: The News Hour with Jim Lehrer (PBS), CBS Evening News, CNN, 60 Minutes, 48 Hours, Good Morning America, Court TV, NBC Evening News, CBS Weekend News, and major U.S. daily newspapers. She has testified on privacy public policy concerns before the U.S. Senate, the California Legislature, the California Public Utilities Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, and the U.S. Comptroller of the Currency.

    In addition, Givens has been a member of several task forces examining privacy-related public policy issues:: California Office of Privacy Protection Advisory Committee; Truste Wireless Privacy Committee; Justice Management Institute's Electronic Court Records Advisory Committee; Task Force on Criminal Records Identity Theft; California Legislature's Joint Task Force on Personal Information and Privacy; California Judicial Council Subcommittee on Privacy and Access; Internet Policy Committee of the San Diego Public Library; and the Mayor of San Diego's City of the Future Task Force. She has served on the U.S. Census Advisory Committee, California Radio Frequency ID Advisory Committee, and the California REAL ID Task Force,. Many of Givens' speeches and testimony are available on the PRC Web site under "Speeches&Testimony," www.privacyrights.org/ar.

    Givens was awarded a Pioneer Award in 2002 from the Electronic Frontier Foundations. The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse is a 2000 award recipient from The Foundation for Improvement of Justice for its work in assisting victims of identity theft. Givens is a recipient of the 2000 Privacy International Brandeis Award. Ms. Givens contributed articles on identity theft to two encyclopedias: World Book (2004) and Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment (2002). She also contributed a chapter to the 2006 book, RFID: Applications, Security and Privacy. She is the author of The Privacy Rights Handbook: How to Take Control of Your Personal Information (Avon Books, 1997). She is co-author of Privacy Piracy (with Mari Frank) : A Guide to Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft. Givens is also co-author and editor of the PRC's fact sheets, on the Web at www.privacyrights.org/fs.

    Voice: 619-298-3396


    Oct 5, Paul Fogel - Noted Appellate Attorney

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    Paul's practice focuses on appeals, writs, post?trial motions, and law and motion matters in a broad range of civil law areas, including unfair competition, health care, trademark infringement, trade secret misappropriation, defamation, products liability, taxation, contracts, public entity law, premises liability, employment, professional negligence, higher education and constitutional law. He has handled more than 350 appellate matters (resulting in some 60 published opinions), including matters in the California Supreme Court, the District of Columbia and Ninth Circuit Courts of Appeals, every Appellate District of the California Court of Appeal, and several other state appellate courts.

    Paul has a number of national and regional clients who engage him directly to represent them in appeals and related proceedings. He regularly provides appellate assistance to Reed Smith's trial attorneys and is frequently engaged by non-Reed Smith attorneys to consult on or handle appellate matters.

    Paul was named one of Northern California's Top 100 Attorneys by Northern California Superlawyer Magazine in 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2009, and has been included as a "Superlawyer" in appellate law annually since 2004. He also has been included in Best Lawyers in America since 2006 and was featured in the 2008 Legal 500 as an "exceptional" appellate lawyer who "pays close attention to client needs" and "demonstrates high ethical standards."


    Sep 28, Marjorie Cohn - Professor, Attorney, and Author

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    Professor Cohn is president of the National Lawyers Guild. She lectures throughout the world on international human rights and U.S. foreign policy. A news consultant for CBS News, and a legal analyst for Court TV, she also provides legal and political commentary on BBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, NPR, Air America and Pacifica Radio. Professor Cohn is the author of Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law and co-author of Cameras in the Courtroom: Television and the Pursuit of Justice. Her new book, Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent, will be published in winter 2009.

    Her articles have appeared in numerous journals such as Fordham Law Review, Hastings Law Journal and Virginia Journal of International Law, as well as The National Law Journal, Christian Science Monitor and Chicago Tribune. Professor Cohn is a contributing editor to Jurist, MWC News and Guild Practitioner and her weekly columns appear on AlterNet, Counterpunch, CommonDreams, HuffingtonPost, OpedNews, AtlanticFreePress, AfterDowningStreet, ZNet, and GlobalResearch, and are archived at http://www.marjoriecohn.com/.

    She has been a criminal defense attorney at the trial and appellate levels for many years, and was staff counsel to the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board. Professor Cohn is the U.S. representative to the executive committee of the Association of American Jurists. The recipient of the San Diego County Bar Association's 2005 Service to Legal Education Award, Professor Cohn was recognized as one of San Diego's Top Attorneys in Academics for 2006 and 2008, was given the 2007 Bernard E. Witkin, Esq. Award for Excellence in the Teaching of the Law by the San Diego Law Library Justice Foundation, and received the 2008 Peace Scholar of the Year Award from the Peace and Justice Studies Association.

    She sits on the Advisory Board of the US Human Rights Network, the Advisory Committee of the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice at the University of San Diego and the Advisory Board for the Haywood Burns Memorial Fellowships for Social and Economic Justice, and serves on the Roster of Experts at the Institute for Public Accuracy. Professor Cohn testified in 2008 about government torture policy before the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. She was a legal observer in Iran on behalf of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers in 1978 and she has participated in delegations to Cuba, China and Yugoslavia. She lived in Mexico and is fluent in Spanish. Professor Cohn has taught at Thomas Jefferson School of Law since 1991.



    Sep 23, Jeff Dion - Director of the National Crime Victim Bar Association

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    Jeff Dion has championed crime victims' rights for more than two decades. Jeff began advocating for victims in 1982, when his twenty-three year old sister, Paulette, was murdered by a serial killer. Only 14 years old himself, Jeff pressed the police for information on his sister's case and, after it was solved, decided to pursue a career in law to help other crime victims.

    In honor of his sister's memory, Jeff lobbied the Virginia General Assembly, resulting in 13 victims' rights bills being enacted into law. These statutes established a victim's right to be present in the courtroom, the right to offer oral impact testimony at sentencing, the right to confer with the prosecutor, a civil cause of action for stalking, an expanded civil statute of limitations for victims, and an expanded legal definition of "victim."

    In 1998, Jeff joined the staff of the National Center for Victims of Crime, where he currently serves as the Director of the National Crime Victim Bar Association. In that capacity, he lectures throughout the country to foster greater communication and understanding among crime victims and trial attorneys. He trains victim advocates in the application of civil litigation and instructs fellow attorneys in crime victim issues and services. Having trained advocates and attorneys in 37 states, Jeff is a nationally recognized expert with strong ties to direct service providers and leaders in the field of victim services. In the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks, Jeff worked with more than 1,500 victims and surviving family members to help them understand their rights, and he helped train more than 2,000 attorneys on the dynamics of victimization and understanding the special needs of survivors.

    He previously served as a Governor's Fellow in the Office of the Virginia Attorney General, a Law Clerk to the Judges of Virginia's 17th Judicial Circuit, and a civil litigator with the firm of Hudgins, Carter & Coleman.

    In 2002, he was appointed by Governor Mark Warner and in 2006 was re-appointed by Governor Tim Kaine to the Virginia Criminal Justice Services Board, which distributes Victims of Crime Act and Violence Against Women Act grant funds to local programs throughout the Commonwealth. Jeff serves on the Victim Services Grant Review Committee, and is the Chairman of the Victim-Witness Issues Advisory Committee.

    Jeff, who is also a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, serves on the Board of Directors of his local rape crisis center, Sexual Assault Victim Advocacy Service of Prince William County, Inc., which serves nearly 500 victims each year. He is a former board member and current advisory council member for the National Association to Prevent Sexual Abuse of Children.

    In 2005, Jeff was presented the Allies for Justice Award by the Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers, and was honored by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services as one of the individuals who has had the greatest impact on crime victims' rights in Virginia over the previous 10 years. In 2006, the Attorney General of the United States presented him with the Ronald Wilson Reagan Public Policy Award. This award honors an outstanding individual whose leadership, vision, and innovation have led to significant changes in public policy and practice that benefit crime victims, and is one of the prestigious National Crime Victims' Rights Week Awards, which are the highest honors in the field of crime victim services.


    Sept 16, Gillian Hayes - Assistant Professor at UCI

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    Gillian Hayes is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine. She received her PhD from the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech. Her research is in Human Computer Interaction, with emphases on ubiquitous computing and computer supported cooperative work. She focuses on recording technologies for education and healthcare, investigating issues of usability, usefulness and social impact of technology on feelings about surveillance, privacy, and control of data.


    Sept 9, Larry Ponemon - Chairman and Founder of the Ponemon Institute

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    Dr. Larry Ponemon, is a pioneer in the development of privacy audits, privacy risk management and ethical information management. He is the chairman and founder of The Ponemon Institute. Based upon his vast experience in the fields of corporate governance, privacy compliance, data protection and business ethics, he consults with leading multinational organizations on global privacy management programs. Dr. Ponemon was appointed to the Advisory Committee for Privacy for the United States Federal Trade Commission and to two California State task forces on privacy and data security laws. Dr. Ponemon was recently appointed by the Governor of Arizona to serve as public member of State Board of Optometry. Dr. Ponemon has held chaired faculty positions at Babson College and SUNY Binghamton and he's published dozens of articles and five learned books. He is a frequent media commentator on privacy and other business ethics topics for CNN, Fox News, CBS, CNBC, MSNBC, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Financial Times, Business 2.0, Newsweek, Business Week, U.S. News & World Report, Computerworld, CIO Magazine, Industry Standard, Boston Globe, InfoWorld, InformationWeek, Forbes, Fortune, CFO Magazine, Red Herring, Dow Jones News and others. His research studies are well respected and have a profound impact on the manner in which corporations are changing their approach to important privacy issues.

    You can learn more at www.ponemon.org.


    Sept 2, Les Rosen - President of Employment Screening Resources

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    Lester S. Rosen is an attorney at law and President of Employment Screening Resources (www.ESRcheck.com), a national background screening company located in California.

    He is the author of, "The Safe Hiring Manual--Complete Guide to Keeping Criminals, Imposters and Terrorists Out of Your Workplace." (512 pages-Facts on Demand Press), the first comprehensive book on employment screening. He has also authored "The Safe Hiring Audit." In addition, he has produced a DVD training top showing a negligent hiring mock trial, and has produced an online 20 hour training course in he area of safe hiring and background checks. See: http://www.backgroundchecktraining.com/

    He is a consultant, writer and frequent presenter nationwide on pre-employment screening and safe hiring issues. His speaking appearances have included numerous national and statewide conferences. He has qualified and testified in the California, Florida and Arkansas Superior Courts as an expert witness on issues surrounding safe hiring and due diligence.

    He is a former deputy District Attorney and criminal defense attorney and has taught criminal law and procedure at the University of California Hastings College of the Law. His jury trials have included murder, death penalty and federal cases. He graduated UCLA with Phi Beta Kappa honors, and received a J.D. degree from the University of California at Davis, serving on the Law Review. He holds the highest attorney rating of A.V. in the national Martindale-Hubbell listing of American Attorneys.

    Mr. Rosen was the chairperson of the steering committee that founded the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) a professional trade organization for the screening industry, which now has over 500 members. He was also elected to the first board of directors and served as the first co-chairman in 2004.


    Aug 26, Lee Tien - Senior Staff Attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation

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    Lee Tien is a Senior Staff Attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, specializing in free speech law, including intersections with intellectual property law and privacy law. Before joining EFF, Lee was a sole practitioner specializing in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation. Mr. Tien has published articles on children's sexuality and information technology, anonymity, surveillance, and the First Amendment status of publishing computer software. Lee received his undergraduate degree in psychology from Stanford University, where he was very active in journalism at the Stanford Daily. After working as a news reporter at the Tacoma News Tribune for a year, Lee went to law school at Boalt Hall, University of California at Berkeley. Lee also did graduate work in the Program in Jurisprudence and Social Policy at UC-Berkeley.

    +1 415 436 9333 x102 Lee Tien
    Senior Staff Attorney (Privacy, Free Expression & Freedom of Information)


    Aug 19, Collaborative Law Professionals

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    Bev Jewell, Collaborative Divorce Coach

    Ms Jewell received her Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from National University, Irvine in 1995. She is a Nationally Certified Professional Counselor and Mediator, with offices in Tustin and Palm Springs where she helps individuals and couples deal with breakdown in communication, conflict resolution, negotiate differences and transition into and out of relationships.

    Ms. Jewel has been a Divorce Coach with Collaborative Divorce Solutions in Orange County since 2003, where she assists clients during one of the most emotionally stressful times of their lives. She is also a member of Collaborative Divorce Services of Coachella Valley, the American Counseling Association and the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals.

    John R. Denny

    John R. Denny was born in Santa Monica, California in 1957. He graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles (B.A., Economics, 1980) and Loyola Law School (J.D., cum laude, 1994). At Loyola Law School, he was a member of the Order of the Coif and St. Thomas More Honor Society. He was a member of the Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review (1992-1994). He was admitted to the California Bar (1994), U.S. District Court, Central District of California (1994), and the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California (1995). He has been named a Certified Specialist in Family Law by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization. Mr. Denny is a member of the Orange County Bar Association (Member, Family Law Section) and the State Bar of California, Collaborative Divorce Solutions of Orange County (CDSOC), and the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP). He served on the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles County Bar Association (2001-2002) and the Lawyers Club of Los Angeles County (President, 1999-2000; Board of Governors, 1995-2002). Mr. Denny is a Founding Fellow of the Society of Fellows of the Orange County Bar Foundation. Mr. Denny limits his practice to Family Law, Mediation and Collaborative Law.

    Carol R. Hughes, Ph.D.

    Carol R. Hughes, Ph.D., has been a licensed marriage, family and child therapist and a State of California board-certified clinical hypnotherapist for over 25 years. Her academic background includes being a summa cum laude graduate for her bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, in addition to being a Phi Beta Kappa member and a two-time Fulbright scholar. Concurrently with her private practice, for ten years she also served as an Associate Professor of Human Services at Saddleback College, the last three years of which she was the Director and Lead Professor for the Annual International Eating Disorders Institute, which attracted students and clinicians from all 50 states.

    Carol is a sought-after speaker in the fields of holistic psychotherapy, family therapy, child and adolescent behavior, co-parenting, addictive disorders, trauma recovery and children of alcoholic and other dysfunctional family systems. Her clinical background includes extensive training in mindbody healing, hypnotherapy, chemical dependency, eating disorders, trauma recovery, mediation and divorce peacemaking. In her private practice, Carol currently facilitates therapy groups and workshops on the topics of parenting/co-parenting, eating disorders, incest and sexual abuse, addictive disorders, inner child healing, holistic health, and children of alcoholic and other dysfunctional family systems. When time allows Carol also provides Equine Assisted Psychotherapy at a ranch in San Juan Capistrano.

    Tracy S. McKenney, CFP®, CDFATM

    Tracy S. McKenney, CFP®, CDFATM - Tracy S. McKenney is a Certified Financial Planner and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. She's been working with divorcing couples in collaborative divorce practice for the past 3 years. She started her financial planning practice in 2003 after receiving her Series 6, 63, 65 and 7 licenses. She helps people plan their financial future and prepare for their retirement years.

    As the 'financial professional' in the collaborative divorce cases, she works with both the husband and wife to document all the assets/debts, income and expenses. She works with them to figure out how to afford 2 households on the same income. Using Family Law Software, she's able to show the couple multiple property division scenarios, and advise them on the future consequences of those choices. She has completed over 20 collaborative cases.

    Sherry D. Graybehl D'Antony

    Sherry D. Graybehl D'Antony Collaborative Divorce Attorney - is a collaborative divorce attorney and mediator in Orange County, California. She is also a Family Law Specialist . She has more than twenty years of experience in family law, and strives to work with her clients to reach a mutually agreeable resolution of the family law issues. Ms. D'Antony has litigated numerous family law cases and finds that going through the Court system, is emotionally traumatizing to the clients and to their relationship with each other and their children.

    Ms. D'Antony has found through her mediation and collaborative practice that the families start a healing process and that the parties participate and come up with their own workable arrangements for the division of their assets and parenting plans for their children. Collaborative law provides a veil of privacy and confidentiality that is not present in the litigation process. It is Ms. D'Antony's belief that Collaborative and Mediation formats will be the wave of the future for all family law cases. They do not belong in a Court or in this combative and dysfunctional arena.

    Ms. D'Antony litigation experience in custody, property division and support matters provides a vast experience that helps her guide her clients through this less intrusive and people friendly alternative to litigated divorce.


    Aug 12, Lothar Determann - Partner/Attorney Specializing in International Technology Law

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    DR. LOTHAR DETERMANN practices and teaches international technology law. As a partner with Baker & McKenzie LLP in San Francisco and Palo Alto, California, focusing on technology and international business law, his practice covers counseling technology companies on taking their R&D, products and contracts international, as well as software licensing, electronic commerce, data protection, intellectual property and outsourcing.

    Dr. Determann is admitted to practice in Germany and California and was named one of the top 10 Copyright Attorneys by the San Francisco / Los Angeles Daily Journal. He teaches Computer Law, Data Privacy and Internet Law at UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall), USF Law School and Freie Universit�t Berlin, and is a member of the Association of German Public Law Professors since 1999. He has authored three books and more than 40 articles, including Dangerous Liaisons - Software Combinations as Derivative Works? (21 Berkeley Tech. L. J. 14412006); Don't Judge A Sale by its License: Software Transfers under the First Sale Doctrine in the U.S. and the EC, 36 U.S.F. L. Rev. 1 (2001, co-author: A. Fellmeth), and Freedom of Communications on the Internet (Berlin 1999, 653 p.). For more information see www.lothar.determann.name and www.bakernet.com.


    Aug 5, Chris Hoofnagle - Senior Staff Attorney and Expert on Privacy Law

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    Chris Jay Hoofnagle is senior staff attorney to the Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic and senior fellow with the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology. His focus is consumer privacy law.

    From 2000 to 2006, he was senior counsel to the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) and director of the organization's West Coast office. At EPIC, he concentrated on financial services privacy, telemarketing regulation and consumer profiling. He was also a non-residential fellow with Stanford University's Center for Internet and Society for the 2005 academic year.

    Hoofnagle is a nationally recognized expert in information privacy law. He has testified before the U.S. Congress and the California Senate and Assembly numerous times on social security number privacy and credit transactions. The text of his written testimony is online at http://epic.org/.

    Hoofnagle was the author of an amicus brief in Remsburg v. Docusearch, a case in which the Supreme Court of New Hampshire held that private investigators have a duty to exercise reasonable care towards individuals being investigated, and that individuals may bring common law privacy claims against investigators who acquire personal information through deception. He also authored an amicus brief in Kehoe v. Fidelity Federal Bank and Trust, in which the 11th Circuit held that individuals do not need to demonstrate harm to collect monetary damages from invasions of privacy. The decision makes it economically viable for individuals to vindicate privacy rights in court, and resulted in a $50 million settlement including direct payments to thousands of affected plaintiffs.

    Chris is a regular contributor to print, radio and television articles, Hoofnagle has provided commentary for over 1,000 news stories in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post, National Public Radio, ABC News and other major media outlets. (2004). http://www.law.berkeley.edu/samuelsonclinic


    Jul 29, Participants of the International Association of Holistic Lawyers Conference in Chicago

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    The IAHL membership has a unique and diverse character as the journey to finding more joy, satisfaction and meaning in life has many different paths. In this organization you will find lawyers who are also therapists, healers, musicians, jugglers, and parents. You will find members who are exploring different ways of practicing law, who are learning how to deal with the stress of the legal profession, who are becoming healthy and whole, and who are passionate about helping the legal profession become more open and responsive to its clients and the world at large.

    To find out more about the IAHL, visit www.iahl.org.
    To learn more about our great guests, please visit the following websites:
    Scott Farrell: www.gitlinlawfirm.com/about_bios_sjf.htm
    Sandra Crawford: www.lawcrawford.com
    carl Michael rossi: http://collaborativepracticechicago.com/coaching.html
    J. Kim Wright: www.cuttingedgelaw.com


    Jul 22, Ed Mierzwinski - U.S. PIRG Consumer Program Director

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    Ed Mierzwinski is the Consumer Program Director with the National Association of State Public Interest Research Groups (U.S. PIRG) since 1989. State PIRGs are non-profit, non-partisan consumer, environmental and good government watchdog groups around the country. He often testifies before Congress and state legislatures and has authored or co-authored numerous reports on consumer issues ranging from the failure of cable television deregulation to privacy, identity theft, bank fees, predatory lending and unfair practices and product safety. He is often quoted in the national press and has appeared on network news shows including NBC Today, CNN Crossfire and ABC Nightline. He has been profiled in the New York Times. He is a 2003 recipient of Privacy International's "Brandeis Award" for privacy protection efforts.

    He is a past member of the boards of several large consumer-owned businesses, and the University of Connecticut Cooperative Corporation, a student-owned bookstore. From 1981 through 1988, he was Executive Director of Connecticut PIRG. He is a graduate of the University of Connecticut (BA, MS).

    Contact Information:
    web: www.uspirg.org
    E-mail: edm@pirg.org
    Phone: (202) 546-9707


    Jul 15, Jay and Linda Foley - Founders of the Identity Theft Resource Center

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    Jay Foley

    Jay Foley is the co-founder/director of the Identity Theft Resource Center, a nationwide, nonprofit identity theft program located in San Diego, California. The ITRC was established in 1999 in response to the growing need for victim assistance and public empowerment caused by the explosive rise in identity theft crime rate.

    As the spouse of an identity theft victim, Foley understands the practical and emotional complexities of this crime. Since 1999, he has assisted thousands of victims via email and telephone.

    As ITRC's primary criminal justice contact, he has received great support and accolades from members of law enforcement across the country who frequently refer victims to him for assistance. Foley currently sits numerous law enforcement, governmental and legislative taskforces, including JAG and has testified at legislative hearings in various states and in front of Congress.

    Foley is also a popular presenter and trainer. He has also appeared on many major television news shows, quoted in most major newspapers and radio stations around the country.

    Jay Foley's background includes over 20 years in project management, customer service training, sales and database management. His experience in the US Navy and study for his MCSE and MCDBA certificates has proven to be invaluable in understanding the computer's role in this crime, possible solutions and in anticipating future trends.

    He is a recipient of the 2004 Crime Victims Service Award presented by the U. S. Attorney General for the Department of Justice and commendations by Senator Dianne Feinstein and former CA Governor Gray Davis.

    Linda Goldman-Foley

    Linda Foley is the co-founder/director of the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), a nation-wide nonprofit identity theft program based in San Diego, California. Established in 1999 in response to the growing need for victim assistance and public empowerment due to the epidemic rise in identity theft, today ITRC is nationally respected for its expertise and work.

    As a former victim of identity theft herself, Foley is uniquely suited to understanding the complexities of this crime. ITRC supports thousands of victims through its web site, email and telephone correspondence. Foley developed and wrote the numerous comprehensive publications on ITRC's website (www.idtheftcenter.org) and used by the national office and network of trained volunteers.

    Foley provides testimony and information for national and state conferences and taskforces, and remains a resource for legislators throughout the nation. Foley has appeared on numerous major television news show, several talk shows and is widely quoted by major newspapers, radio stations and magazines.

    Besides her work in the community, Foley forges partnerships with companies to create better document handling procedures. She has created a workplace ID theft self-assessment inventory for use by businesses that might not want outside consultants to evaluate their company.

    She has been honored as the 10Leadership Program (San Diego's ABC affiliate) Individual Leader for 2001, is a recipient of the prestigious Foundation for Improvement of Justice Award (Sept 2000), the 2004 National Crime Victim Service Award presented by U. S. Attorney General for the Department of Justice and commendations by U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein and former CA Governor Gray Davis.

    Identity Theft Resource Center
    PO Box 26833, San Diego CA 92196
    Office Line: 858-693-7935


    Jul 8, Judge James (Jim) Gray

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    Jul 1, Laura Innes, Esq. - Employment Law Attorney

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    Laura Innes, a director of Simpson, Garrity, Innes & Jacuzzi, PC, has been engaged exclusively in the practice of labor and employment law for 23 years. Her practice combines preventive counseling for management with civil and administrative litigation defense. Recognized by Martindale Hubbell as an "AV" rated practitioner, Ms. Innes regularly publishes articles on a wide range of employment law topics and is a frequent speaker to client and community groups. Ms. Innes has been named a Northern California "Super Lawyer" - one of the top 5% of lawyers in Northern California - by San Francisco Magazine for each of the last four years (2004-2009) and was featured in an interview entitled "America's Most Influential Women" for the Forbes SkyRadio program airing on American Airlines and United Airlines flights in January and March 2005, respectively. Ms. Innes acts as a mediator in labor and employment matters; and serves as an Expert Witness regarding all labor and employment matters with special emphasis on employment practices, discrimination and sexual harassment claims and wage and hour disputes.

    Ms. Innes is a member of the Editorial Advisory Committee for the Employer's Resource Institute and is a member of the Associated General Contractors Legal Advisory Committee. Ms. Innes is a member of the Labor and Employment Law Section State Bar of California, American Bar Association, San Francisco Bar Association, San Mateo County Bar Association; and the Marin County Bar Association.


    Jun 24, Jonathan Kirsch - Author and Publishing Attorney

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    Photo Credit: Alfred Benjamin

    JONATHAN KIRSCH is the author of twelve books, including seven books on the history of religion and religious texts, two novels and two books on publishing law. (See below.) He has contributed book reviews to the Los Angeles Times for more than 30 years, and he appears as a commentator and guest host on NPR affiliates KCRW-FM and KPCC-FM in Southern California. He also serves on the adjunct faculty of New York University's Professional Publishing Program.

    Kirsch has served as a guest lecturer at schools, universities, libraries, museums, synagogues and churches across the United States. He has also served as legal counsel on a pro bono basis for the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, Center for Media Literacy, and California Lawyers for the Arts. He is also general counsel for the Independent Book Publishers Association (formerly Publishers Marketing Association), which presented him with its Benjamin Franklin Award for Special Achievement in Publishing in 1994. Kirsch is a member of California Lawyers for the Arts, the Los Angeles Copyright Society, the Los Angeles Intellectual Property Law Association, and the Intellectual Property Sections of the California State Bar and the Los Angeles County Bar Association.

    Kirsch writes and lectures on legal topics relating to the publishing industry for the Independent Book Publishers Association, the Western Publishing Association, the Publishers Association of the West, the Publishers Association of Los Angeles, the National Museum Publishing Seminar of the University of Chicago's Graham School, the Authors Guild, the Practising Law Institute, the ABA Forum on Entertainment and Sports Law, the Intellectual Property, Internet and New Media Section of the Beverly Hills Bar Association, the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the Mystery Writers Association, the Independent Writers of Southern California, California Lawyers for the Arts, Sisters in Crime, Southwest Manuscripters, and other publishing industry associations and legal programs.

    Kirsch was born in 1949 in Los Angeles, attended high school in Culver City, and completed a Bachelor of Arts degree with honors in Russian and Jewish history and Adlai E. Stevenson College honors at the Santa Cruz campus of the University of California. A member of the California State Bar since 1976, he earned a Juris Doctor degree cum laude at Loyola University School of Law.

    Before embarking on the practice of law, Kirsch was senior editor of California Magazine (formerly New West Magazine), where he specialized in a coverage of law, government and politics. Previously, he worked as West Coast correspondent for Newsweek, an editor for West and Home magazines at the Los Angeles Times, and a reporter for the Santa Cruz Sentinel. As a book reviewer and a freelance writer, he has contributed to the Washington Post, Toronto Globe and Mail, California Lawyer, Los Angeles Lawyer, Los Angeles Magazine, New Republic, Publishers Weekly, Performing Arts, Human Behavior, L.A. Architect and other publications. He is also the author of two novels, Bad Moon Rising (1977) and Lovers in a Winter Circle (1978).

    Kirsch is married to Ann Benjamin Kirsch, Psy.D., a psychotherapist in private practice in Beverly Hills.


    Jun 17, Nuala O'Connor Kelly - GE Senior Counsel, Information Governance and Privacy

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    Nuala was named senior counsel, information governance and privacy in 2008 and joined GE as chief privacy leader in 2005. In her current role, Nuala co-leads GE's Information Governance Council, which is responsible for the development and implementation of the Company's policies and practices across the data life cycle, including creation, protection and disposal. As privacy lead, Nuala also facilitates the team of business privacy leaders and the Information Governance and Privacy practice groups.

    Prior to joining GE, Nuala served as chief privacy officer of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Before DHS, Nuala served as chief privacy officer for the U.S. Department of Commerce, where she also served as chief counsel for technology and as deputy director of the Office of Policy and Strategic Planning. Prior to public service, Nuala served as vice president-data protection and chief privacy officer for emerging technologies for the online company, DoubleClick, and also served as the company's first deputy general counsel for privacy.

    Nuala has practiced law with the firms of Sidley & Austin, Hudson Cook, and Venable in Washington, DC. She is a member of the board of directors of the International Association of Privacy Professionals and is a Certified Information Privacy Professional.

    Nuala was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland and grew up on New York's Long Island. She received her A.B. from Princeton University, a master's of education from Harvard University, and a J.D. from the Georgetown University Law Center. She is a member of the bar of Washington, D.C., and Maryland. Nuala lives in Virginia with her husband Glenn Kelly, their daughters Nora (4) and Maggie (2), and two Labrador Retrievers, Elie and Earl.


    Jun 10, Hanna Hasl-Kelchner - Attorney and Author

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    Hanna Hasl-Kelchner, The No Nonsense LawyerTM, is a licensed attorney, educator, speaker and author of The Business Guide to Legal Literacy: What Every Manager Should Know about the Law (Jossey-Bass, 2006). Her legal career began in Washington, D.C., spanning private and government practice, including service at the U.S. International Trade Commission where one of her cases was decided by President Reagan. Moving to in-house practice, she developed a diverse portfolio of increasing responsibility at various large corporations, including Degussa Corporation and Reichhold, Inc. Hanna earned her undergraduate degree from Duke University, her MBA degree from Cornell University, and her law degree from the Rutgers University School of Law - Camden, where she won awards for her advocacy skills. She has also been on the faculty and taught at the Duke University Fuqua School of Management and the University of Virginia, Darden School of Business. Besides serving on the advisory board of WeComply, Inc., and the editorial board of the Journal of Business Ethics Education, Hanna also hosts a blog at www.Legalliteracy.com and speaks to various audiences on how legal literacy can enable higher business performance.


    Jun 3, Robert Siciliano - Expert on Personal Security and Identity Theft

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    Robert Siciliano is an expert on personal security and identity theft. With 25 years of experience in self-defense, security work, martial arts, white collar crimes and observing the human condition. Mr. Siciliano has been researching and keeping in tune with all aspects of security by staying on top of what is new and ahead of what is next at all times as the CEO of IDTheftSecurity.com .

    An American television news correspondent, security analyst, Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist, and author of "The Safety Minute: Living on high alert; How to take control of your personal security and prevent fraud", Mr. Siciliano's goal is to inform and educate Americans to avoid becoming a statistic.

    His thoughts and advice on all security and fraud matters appear often in both the televised and print news media. A sampling of his work includes appearances on the Today Show, CBS Early Show, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CNBC, USA Today, Forbes, Good Housekeeping, Readers Digest, Consumer Digest, Boston Globe, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, ABC News.com, TechRepublic, Search Security, AP, UPI, Reuters, and Entrepreneur.

    Mr. Siciliano is a professional speaker and delivers presentations through the United States and Canada on identity theft protection and personal security, including self-defense. By training people to become winners, Siciliano has earned much critical praise teaching workshops and giving seminars to people of all ages throughout the country, on how to avoid assaults and prevent fraud.

    Current positions include;
    Uni-ball Corp; National Spokesperson representing anti check washing pens.
    McAfee Anti-Virus; Consumer Advisory Board Member
    Biometric Signature ID; Advisory Board Member
    Bank Fraud IT Security Report; Editorial Board
    Advanced Platform Solutions Inc. Advisory Board Member



    May 27, Robert Brownstone - Attorney and Law and Technology Director

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    Robert D. Brownstone, Esq. is the Law & Technology Director at Fenwick & West LLP, a 250-plus-attorney Silicon-Valley-headquartered law firm, specializing in providing a wide array of services to high-tech and life-sciences companies. He is sometimes referred to as "The Guru of Metadata" or "Law and IT in One Brain."

    Mr. Brownstone advises clients on electronic discovery, electronic information management, information-security and retention/destruction policies and protocols. He also collaborates with clients as to computer solutions enabling compliance with legal obligations. A nationwide speaker and writer on many law and technology issues, Mr. Brownstone is frequently quoted in the press as an expert on electronic information.

    He is a member of four state bars (including California and New York), of the Information Systems Auditing and Control Association (ISACA) and of the executive committee of the State Bar of California's Law Practice Management and Technology (LPMT) Section.

    Before joining Fenwick & West in 2000, Mr. Brownstone had a varied 13-year career as a litigator, law school administrator, law school teacher and consultant. He received his J.D. Magna Cum Laude from Brooklyn Law School in 1986 and his B.A. from Swarthmore College in 1982.



    May 20, Senator Joe Simitian - California, 11th District

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    Joe Simitian was elected to the California State Senate in November 2004 to represent the 11th State Senate District, which includes portions of San Mateo, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties. His public service over the years includes stints as a State Assemblymember, member of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, Mayor of Palo Alto and President of the Palo Alto School Board. He has also served as an election observer/supervisor in El Salvador and Bosnia, and participated in refugee relief and resettlement efforts in Albania and Kosovo.

    In the Senate, Simitian chairs the Environmental Quality Committee and serves as a member of the following committees: Budget & Fiscal Review, where he is Chair of Subcommittee #2 on Resources, Environmental Protection and Transportation; Education; Energy, Utilities & Communications; Natural Resources & Water; and Transportation & Housing.

    Simitian received his Bachelor of Arts degree, with academic honors, from The Colorado College. He also holds a Master of Arts degree in International Policy Studies from Stanford University, a Master in City Planning degree from the University of California at Berkeley, and a Juris Doctor law degree from the University of California at Berkeley (Boalt Hall).

    The California Journal identified Simitian as among those at the "Top of the Class" during his first term in the Legislature. More recently, the Capitol Weekly identified Simitian as one of the half-dozen "Most Effective" members of the Legislature.

    San Jose Magazine has repeatedly recognized him as one of the "Power 100 of Silicon Valley", and in 2003 Simitian was selected by Scientific American magazine as one of the "Scientific American 50" Leaders in Technology from around the world.

    Simitian and his work have been quoted or noted in publications as diverse as the Atlantic Monthly, Conde Nast Traveller, Mother Jones, People Magazine, and Scientific American. His media appearances range from CNN to the "Dr. Phil Show", from CTV (Canadian Television) to ABC Radio National in Australia.

    You can learn more about Senator Simitian at www.sen.ca.gov or www.sentatorsimitian.com.


    May 13, Chi Chi Wu - Staff Attorney for the National Consumer Law Center

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    Chi Chi Wu is a staff attorney at NCLC. Chi Chi focuses on consumer credit issues at NCLC, including fair credit reporting, credit cards, refund anticipation loans, and medical debt. Chi Chi is co-author of the legal manuals Fair Credit Reporting Act and Credit Discrimination, and a contributing author to Cost of Credit, Truth in Lending, and Collection Actions. Before joining NCLC, Chi Chi worked in the Consumer Protection Division at the Massachusetts Attorney General's office and the Asian Outreach Unit of Greater Boston Legal Services.


    May 6, Bob Sullivan - MSNBC Journalist and Author

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    BOB SULLIVAN is a technology writer for MSNBC who has concentrated on technology crime and consumer fraud. He is the nation's leading journalist covering identity fraud having written more than 100 articles on the subject since 1996. His work appears on several MSNBC partner sites including MSN.com, Wall Street Journal Interactive, and ZDNet.com. Sullivan also appears on air on MSNBC, CNBC, NBC Nightly News, the Today show, and various local NBC affiliates. He is the winner of the prestigious 2002 Society of Professional Journalists Public Service Award for his series of articles on online fraud. He has spoken before trade and government groups including the National Association of Attorney Generals. He lives in Maltby, Washington with his golden retriever, Lucky.

    Bob Sullivan
    Author, Behind the Identity Theft Epidemic

    Apr 29, Robert Brennan - Consumer Attorney and Author

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    Attorney Robert Brennan grew up steeped in the legal tradition: his uncle was former U.S. Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. (deceased), and his father, Frank Brennan, was chief in-house counsel for several major U.S. corporations during his long career.

    Robert Brennan began his career in civil litigation in 1988, and opened his own general practice firm, The Law Offices of Robert F. Brennan in 1991 (www.brennanlaw.com).The firm specializes in litigating cases related to violations of consumer protection laws, including unfair and abusive debt collection, lemon law, automotive dealer fraud, wrongful credit damage, personal injury, and consumer protection class actions.

    An experienced and aggressive trial lawyer with an excellent win record, Brennan has a wide range of successful litigation experience, including medical malpractice, consumer fraud (including consumer warranty and "lemon law" issues), personal injury, and business litigation. He is also a nationally recognized speaker on consumer protection and consumer fraud issues, and has published numerous articles on those and other litigation issues.

    Brennan is a member of the State Bar of California, the Los Angeles County Bar Association, the Hollywood Bar Association, the San Fernando Valley Bar Association, the Irish-American Bar Association, the California Association of Consumer Attorneys, the Consumer Attorney's Association of Los Angeles, and the National Association of Consumer Advocates, for which he was a founding member. He has been honored to have been selected as a "Southern California Super Lawyer" for the past four consecutive years.

    For more information, please visit www.brennanlaw.com ; www.socaldebtcollectionabuse.com ; www.socalcreditdamage.com.


    Apr 22, Peggy Eisenhauer - Founder of Privacy & Information Systems

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    Margaret P. ("Peggy") Eisenhauer is the founder of Privacy & Information Management Services - Margaret P. Eisenhauer, P.C. For the past 17 years, she has helped companies develop and document privacy, security and fair information practices programs. She has extensive experience with U.S. and international privacy laws as well as industry practices for managing consumer, customer and employee information. In addition to traditional legal compliance work, she provides privacy assessment services, training, and assistance with privacy and security incident response.

    Ms. Eisenhauer was identified as one of the Top 25 American Privacy Law Consultants by COMPUTERWORLD in March 2006, October 2007 and December 2008. PIMS was also named "One of Eight Privacy Firms to Watch" by COMPUTERWORLD in April 2007.

    Prior to forming PIMS, Ms. Eisenhauer founded and led the Hunton & Williams, LLC privacy and information management practice group. She has also served as General Counsel and Director, Data Acquisition for Information America, Inc. (now Westlaw® Public Records), a Thomson Reuters company.

    In addition to a J.D. with honors from the University of Georgia School of Law (1989), she holds a Master of Science in Information & Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology (1992). She is a member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals, a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP), a member of CIPP Advisory Board, a Fellow of the Ponemon Institute, and member of the Nymity Advisory Council.

    Ms. Eisenhauer is a frequent speaker and author on privacy and information management topics. In addition to numerous articles published in the BNA Privacy and Security Law Report and BNAI World Data Protection Report, Ms. Eisenhauer is the author of the case book, A Global Survey of Privacy & Security Enforcement Actions with Recommendations for Reducing Risk (published by the International Association of Privacy Professionals, May 2008).

    Peggy Eisenhauer is admitted to practice law in the states of Georgia and Florida, U.S.A. She can be reached at 404-914-1163 or via email to peggy@privacystudio.com.



    Apr 15, Kevin O'Grady - Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League.

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    Dr. Kevin O'Grady is the Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League, Orange County/Long Beach region. He previously served as the region's Associate Director. At the ADL, Dr. O'Grady oversees all programming including: civil rights; government affairs; community relations; education; and law enforcement relations. He coordinates the region's response to civil rights issues and hate crimes, monitors extremist groups, and speaks at public forums on issues of civil rights, diversity, anti-Semitism, and education.

    Before joining the Anti-Defamation League, Dr. O'Grady served as the Dean of Students for Milken Community High School, the largest Jewish Day School in the country. He has also served as Director of the Hawai'i Technology Project: a state wide project that introduced on-line technologies into small schools across the state's five primary islands. In 2001 he was named "One of Los Angeles' City and County's Most Inspirational Teachers." He recently, authored a study of gay and lesbian high school teachers and is considered a national expert in the area of gay and lesbian issues in education.

    In addition to his work with the ADL, Dr. O'Grady is a member of The Center, Orange County, GLSEN Orange County and the Center for Unconventional Security Affairs. He holds a masters degree in Political Science from California State University, Fullerton and a doctorate in Education from the University of Southern California. Kevin lives in Long Beach, CA with his partner Dr. Craig Kain.



    Apr 8, Dr. Larry Ponemon - Chairman and Founder of the Ponemon Institute

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    Dr. Larry Ponemon is the Chairman and Founder of the Ponemon Institute, a research "think tank" dedicated to advancing privacy and data protection practices. Dr. Ponemon is considered a pioneer in privacy auditing and the Responsible Information Management or RIM framework.

    Ponemon Institute conducts independent research, educates leaders from the private and public sectors and verifies the privacy and data protection practices of organizations in a various industries. In addition to Institute activities, Dr. Ponemon is an adjunct professor for ethics and privacy at Carnegie Mellon University's CIO Institute. He is a founding board member of the Unisys Corporation's Security Leadership Institute.

    Dr. Ponemon consults with leading multinational organizations on global privacy management programs. He has extensive knowledge of regulatory frameworks for managing privacy and data security including financial services, health care, pharmaceutical, telecom and Internet. Dr. Ponemon was appointed to the Advisory Committee for Online Access & Security for the United States Federal Trade Commission. He was recently appointed by the White House to the Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee for the Department of Homeland Security. Dr. Ponemon was also an appointed to two California State task forces on privacy and data security laws.

    Dr. Ponemon is a member of the National Board of Advisors of the Eller College of Business and Public Administration, University of Arizona. He serves as Chairman of the Government Policy Advisory Committee and Co-Chair of the Internet Task Force for the Council of American Survey and Research Organizations (CASRO).

    Dr. Ponemon was a senior partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he founded the firm's global compliance risk management group. Prior to joining Price Waterhouse as a partner, Dr. Ponemon served as the National Director of Business Ethics Services for KPMG Peat Marwick, and was appointed Executive Director of the KPMG Business Ethics Institute. Dr. Ponemon has held chaired (tenured) faculty positions and published numerous articles and learned books. He has presented more than 500 keynote speeches or learned presentations at national or international conferences on privacy, data protection, information security, corporate governance, and responsible information management.

    Dr. Ponemon is an active member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals, serving as founding member of the Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) Advisory Board. Dr. Ponemon is column editor for Computerworld, CSO Magazine, BNA, Dark Reading and other leading publications. He is a frequent commentator on privacy and business ethics for CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Financial Times, Business 2.0, Newsweek, Business Week, U.S. News & World Report, CIO Magazine, Industry Standard, Boston Globe, InfoWorld, InformationWeek, Forbes, Fortune, CFO Magazine, Red Herring, Dow Jones News and others.

    Dr. Ponemon earned his Ph.D. at Union College in Schenectady, New York. He has a Master�s degree from Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and attended the doctoral program in system sciences at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Dr. Ponemon earned his Bachelors with Highest Distinction from the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. He is a Certified Public Accountant (active license in Texas).

    Dr. Ponemon is a veteran (Vietnam War era) of the United States Navy. He is married and has two sons.


    Apr 1, 24hr Jazz Festival

    Normal programming pre-empted for 24 hour Jazz Festival - Midnight to Midnight 4/1/09.

    Join us on April 8 when our guest will be Dr. Larry Ponemon.


    Mar 25, Dr. Marcel Adam Just - Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Director of Carnegie Mellon�s Center for Cognitive Brain Imaging

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    Marcel Adam Just, the D.O. Hebb Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Carnegie Mellon and Director of its Center for Cognitive Brain Imaging, is a researcher and scientific contributor in a broad set of areas of neuroscience, with major funding for over three decades from NIH (including a Senior Scientist Award) and ONR (Office of Naval Research). He has made pioneering brain imaging contributions in language processing, multitasking, and thought identification (from brain images) that have been published in leading journals. He is the author of one of the leading theories of autism, has recently helped develop the first successful attempt to decode a simple thought from a person's brain activity (published in Science), has demonstrated the brain consequences of cell phone use during driving, and has demonstrated for the first time that the brains of children who are poor readers can be changed, not just in how they activate, but also in their very anatomy. In addition to the scientific research, he has also been involved in relating neuroscience findings to public policy, including providing testimony on the biological basis of autism to the U.S. House of Representatives Government Reform Subcommittee on Human Rights & Wellness, and testimony on cell phone use during driving to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Transportation Committee Hearing.

    His research uses brain imaging (fMRI) in high-level cognitive tasks to study the neural basis of the architecture of human thought. The fMRI studies attempt to determine the underlying cortical components of the cognitive system and the nature of the collaboration among them in many different types of tasks. The individual projects investigate high level thinking in tasks like sentence comprehension, mental rotation, imagery, object recognition, problem-solving, and decision-making. The projects examine normal cognitive functioning in college students and in adolescents, as well as in special populations, such as patients with autism and children with dyslexia.

    The fMRI results are being used in the development of a computational theory of cognition called 4CAPS, which models the dynamic, collaborative activity of the brain's large-scale network of computational centers, each drawing on its own set of relative specializations. This approach provides an account of the relation between thought processes and brain activity.

    For bio and publications information visit: www.ccbi.cmu.edu/people_faculty_content.htm

    For research center information visit: www.ccbi.cmu.edu


    Mar 18, Dr. Marcel Adam Just - Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Director of Carnegie Mellon�s Center for Cognitive Brain Imaging

    Due to technical difficulties, this interview was rescheduled to Mar 25


    Mar 11, Peter Cullen - Chief Privacy Strategist, Microsoft

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    As GM Trustworthy Computing and Chief Privacy Strategist at Microsoft Corp., Peter Cullen is directly responsible for managing the development and implementation of programs that bolster the privacy and trustworthiness of Microsoft® products, services, processes and systems worldwide. Cullen leads Microsoft's privacy group as well as teams of online safety, geopolitical and accessibility experts, all committed to enhancing customers' computing experiences. Cullen brings more than a decade of expertise in privacy and data protection to his role as well as extensive background in building sound organizational practices. In 2003, Cullen was honored with the International Association of Privacy Professionals' (IAPP) Vanguard Award for Privacy Innovation for his contributions to the privacy profession.

    During his tenure at Microsoft, Cullen has been a leading advocate for strong and innovative safeguards for personal information, privacy and data, as well as technologies, services and processes that enhance trust and ease of access. He meets regularly with industry and public policy leaders and is a frequent speaker at conferences, both in the U.S. and internationally.

    Before joining Microsoft in July 2003, Cullen served as the corporate privacy officer for the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), where he was responsible for influencing initiatives relevant to the RBC Financial Group's strategic approach to privacy. He also established the Corporate Privacy Group, a first for a Canadian financial institution, to more effectively coordinate the management of privacy across the organization. During Cullen's tenure at RBC, he also helped increase shareholder value through customer loyalty and satisfaction endeavors.

    Cullen holds an MBA with distinction from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario. He is married with two adult children. In his personal time, Cullen enjoys practicing his passion for the culinary arts, golfing and skiing.

    ######### Microsoft is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.


    Mar 4, Dan Solove - Law Professor and Author

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    Daniel J. Solove is a professor of law at the George Washington University Law School.

    He received his A.B. in English Literature from Washington University, where he was an early selection for Phi Beta Kappa, and his J.D. from Yale Law School. At Yale, Professor Solove won the university-wide scholarly writing Field Prize and served as symposium editor of the Yale Law Journal and as an editor of the Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities. Following law school, Professor Solove clerked for The Honorable Stanley Sporkin, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. After practicing law as an associate at the firm of Arnold & Porter in Washington, D.C., Professor Solove began a second clerkship with The Honorable Pamela Ann Rymer, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

    He began his law teaching career at Seton Hall Law School in 2000. He joined the George Washington University Law School faculty in 2004.

    Professor Solove writes in the areas of information privacy law, cyberspace law, law and literature, jurisprudence, legal pragmatism, and constitutional theory. He teaches information privacy law, criminal procedure, criminal law, and law and literature.

    An internationally known expert in privacy law, Solove has been interviewed and quoted by the media in several hundred articles and broadcasts, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, the Associated Press, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and NPR.

    Professor Solove is the author of Understanding Privacy (Harvard University Press 2008), The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet (Yale University Press 2007), The Digital Person: Technology and Privacy in the Information Age (NYU Press 2004) and Information Privacy Law (Aspen Publishing, 3rd ed. 2009), among other titles. His book, The Future of Reputation, won the 2007 McGannon Award.

    He has written more than 25 articles, which have appeared in many of the leading law reviews, including the Stanford Law Review, Yale Law Journal, California Law Review, U. Pennsylvania Law Review, NYU Law Review, Michigan Law Review, and U. Chicago Law Review, among others.

    He has consulted in high-profile privacy law cases, contributed to amicus briefs before the U.S. Supreme Court, and testified before Congress. He serves on the advisory board of the Electronic Privacy Information Center and is on the board of the Law and Humanities Institute.

    Professor Solove blogs at Concurring Opinions, a blog covering issues of law, culture, and current events. It was selected by the ABA Journal as among the 100 best law blogs.


    Feb 25, Dr. Bryan McDonald - Assistant Director for the Center for Unconventional Security Affairs

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    Bryan McDonald is the Assistant Director of the Center for Unconventional Security Affairs. He received a Ph.D. in Social Ecology from the University of California, Irvine, a Master's Degree in Political Science from Virginia Tech and a Bachelor's Degree (in Honors, Summa Cum Laude) in English from Virginia Tech. His research explores the impacts of processes of global change on politics and security with a focus on human, environmental, and international security. Current research projects include: threats and vulnerabilities of the emerging network of global food systems; the environmental dimensions of peacebuilding and post-conflict reconstruction, and social and political impacts of the changing global security landscape.

    He is co-editor of Global Environmental Change and Human Security (MIT Press, forthcoming 2009) and Landmines and Human Security: International Politics and War's Hidden Legacy (SUNY Press, 2004, paperback 2006). His work has been published in Democracy & Society, The Journal of the American Planning Association, The Canadian Journal of Political Science, Global Environmental Politics, Organization & Environment, Natural Resources Journal, Environment, Politics and the Life Sciences, International Environmental Agreements, and The Environmental Change and Security Project Report. McDonald has presented papers at annual meetings of the American Political Science Association, the International Studies Association, the American Planning Association, and the American Collegiate Schools of Planning.


    Feb 18, Madison Ayer and Evan Hendricks

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    Evan Hendricks and Madison Ayer aboard the Spirit Soaring in Newport Beach, CA

    Madison Ayer - Vice President, Strategy and Policy for ID Watchdog

    Madison develops collaborative relationships with consumer advocates, regulatory agencies, consumer protection groups that are concerned with identity theft protection. Ayer takes the lead as ID Watchdog's representative in helping to define best practices and industry standards within the identity security industry. Ayer began researching identity theft solutions while working with an accounting firm in Milton Keynes, England. He worked as a venture capital analyst for Bolder Venture Partners, before co-founding a successful credit consultancy in 2003. Ayer studied at the college of Engineering at Cornell University.

    Evan Hendricks - Editor/Publisher of Privacy Times

    Since 1981, Evan has been Editor/Publisher of Privacy Times, a biweekly, Washington-based newsletter that reports on privacy and information law, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Evan has researched and written many articles on Congressional and State legislative actions, judicial opinions, industry trends and actions, executive branch policies and consumer news as they related to the FCRA.

    Evan is qualified by the federal courts in FCRA and identity theft cases and he has served as an expert witness in Congressional hearings testifying on Identity Theft, Credit Reports, Privacy, Social Security Numbers and more. He has consulted with private companies like Experian and also governmental agencies the US Postal Service.

    He is also the author of several books including:

    Credit Scores and Credit Reports: How The System Really Works, What You Can Do (Privacy Times, 2004)

    Your Right To Privacy: A Basic Guide To Legal Rights In An Information Society (2nd Edition, Southern Illinois University Press, 1990), (Includes a chapter on credit reporting)

    Former Secrets: Government Records Made Public Through The Freedom of Information Act (Campaign For Political Rights, 1982)

    Evan also lectures about privacy issues nation wide and internationally including Wales, Paris, Venice, the Hague in the Netherlands

    Evan is also considered an expert by the media. He has been on Nightline. World News Tonight, NBC Nightly News, CBS Evening News, CNN News Watch, CNBC, MSNBC, Fox News, various local affiliates, and such shows as the Oprah Winfrey Show and Geraldo, regarding a wide range of privacy issues.

    He is quoted regularly by major and small newspapers (including The Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Newsweek and Money Magazine), regarding issues of privacy generally and the privacy implications of consumer reporting specifically.



    Feb 11, Susie Vanderlip - Author, Speaker

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    Susie Vanderlip is a nationally-renown speaker on prevention, youth and family issues, and is the author of the iParenting Media Award-winning book 52 Ways to Protect Your Teen – Guiding Teens to Good Choices and Success. Susie’s program, Legacy of Hope®, has reached over one million teens, parents, counselors, therapists, teachers and other adults in middle schools, high schools, colleges, conferences, communities and corporations across 47 states and Canada. She has been a teen and family issues expert on the national television’s FOX News Live and is one of only 178 speakers since 1977 worldwide to be inducted into the National Speakers Association prestigious CPAE Speakers Hall of Fame, awarded to her in July, 2007. She also presents emotional well-being, stress management, and life balance workshops that provide participants experiential practice in the healing message of Legacy of Hope®. In Legacy of Hope®, Susie portrays a mesmerizing array of real-life characters and shares research-based insights into the underlying emotional issues and life stressors that lead youth as well as adults to destructive choice including underage drinking, alcohol and drug abuse, teen pregnancy, AIDS, gangs, domestic violence, self-harm, depression and more. As Susie presents the struggle to find balance and healing, both youth and adults learn to build their own self-esteem, make responsible choices and reach out for help and support. Her message of HOPE and concrete solutions leads to overcoming adversity, compassion, improved communition in relationships, and responsible life choices.

    Susie’s guidance and encouragement is deeply rooted in years of involvement with the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, National Association of Peer Programs, PRIDE, SADD, MADD, 4-H, Youth to Youth, Friday Night Live, child abuse councils, domestic violence councils, teen pregnancy programs, community coalitions and a profound respect for the 12-Step support programs. Susie speaks to adolescents, college students, parents, educators, counselors, psychologists, medical professionals, juvenile justice and crime prevention professionals, general audiences in communities and churches, corporate management/employees who work with youth employees, and more. Her clients have included a large number of prevention coalitions, counseling associations, rehab facilities, thousands of middle schools, high schools, and colleges; community/parent programs and churches nationwide. Her clients include such prestigious entities as the Betty Ford Center, Hazelden, American Counseling Association and NCADD.

    Susie’s “Broadway-class” performance skills are routed in 30 years performance, choreography and teaching experience as Executive Director of Dance Kaleidoscope of Orange County, Associate Professor in Dance at Coastline Community College, and graduate of the South Coast Repertory Professional Actors Workshop.

    Susie’s LEGACY OF HOPE message is also available on DVD for sharing at home and in classrooms along with motivational books for teens in which she is a contributing author. She may be reached via her website: www.legacyofhope.com and www.WaystoProtect.com.


    Feb 4, Tom Johnson - COB, California Sciences Institue

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    Dr. Johnson is co-founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the California Sciences Institute, and also serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the SANS Technology Institute. Dr. Johnson is one of the founding partners of the Forensic Data Center a company focused on computer forensics He received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Michigan State University and his Doctorate from the University of California - Berkeley.

    Dr. Johnson founded the Center for Cybercrime and Forensic Computer Investigation, and the Forensic Computer Investigation Graduate program. Additionally, Dr. Johnson was responsible for developing the on-line program in Information Protection and Security and also founded the Graduate National Security program offered at two of our National Nuclear Security Administration Laboratories in California and New Mexico.

    Currently, Dr. Johnson serves as a member of the FBI Infraguard program; and also is a member of the Electronic Crime Task Force, New York Field Office, U.S. Secret Service. The United States Attorney General appointed Dr. Johnson a member of the Information Technology Working Group, and he served as Chair, Task Force Group on Combating High Technology Crime for the National Institute of Justice. Dean Johnson was also appointed an advisor to the Judicial Council of California on the Court Technology Task Force by the California Supreme Court.

    Dr. Johnson has published five books, 13 referred articles; holds copyright on 4 software programs and his chapter on "Infrastructure Warriors: A Threat to the U.S. Homeland by Organized Crime," was published by the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College. In addition to lecturing at the U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, he has also lectured at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, and numerous universities.

    Dr. Johnson has appeared in both State and U.S. Federal courts as an expert witness and was a member of the Select Ad Hoc Presidential Investigative Committee and consultant to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences in the case of Sirhan B. Sirhan regarding evaluation of ballistics and physical evidence concerning the assassination of United States Senator, Robert F. Kennedy.


    Jan 28, Aurea McGarry - Author, Survivor

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    Aurea was born and raised in New York City. Her father was a multimillionaire businessman and her mother was a beautiful model.

    Aurea enjoyed an upscale lifestyle in Manhattan until her father was brutally murdered, gangster-style when she was only fifteen years old. Forced to give up an elite private school and her dream of becoming an Olympic figure skater, she entered the work force.

    Aurea attended college and studied at the New York Academy Of Theatrical Arts, Herbert Bergdorf Acting Studio, Phil Black and Luigi's Dance Studio's to pursue her aspirations of being a success in the entertainment world one day.

    She has worked on the soap opera "The Edge of Night" and appeared in many infomercials, movies, plays and Mystery Dinner Theatre shows. She's also had great success with a leading cosmetic company. And she was a professional White Face Clown for over twenty years.

    Her first marriage to a pastor's son was physically and verbally abusive. Aurea didn't want her daughter to continue to grow up in an abusive environment and found the courage to leave. With the support of her mom, stepfather and the wonderful women associated with her in the cosmetic company.

    Aurea faced many other struggles in her life. She lost her mother to cancer, later her brother was also treated for Hodgkin's Cancer and a short time later Aurea was diagnosed with cancer herself, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. After surgery and grueling chemotherapy which almost killed her, the surgeon told her she'd never be able to speak above a faint whisper because they had to remove a major nerve to her vocal cord. Besides the vocal cord the surgeon removed half of her left lung, part of her right lung, the lining around her heart, her thymus and disconnected half of her diaphragm.

    She has been cancer-free now since 2000 and can talk just fine despite the grim diagnosis.

    Aurea went on to become Mrs. U.S. Beauty Of Georgia 2003. Also winning the title of Most Inspirational contestant.

    She now travels the country speaking her message of hope, faith and having a great sense of humor. Your organization can request her by emailing your request to liveyourlegacy@gmail.com


    Jan 21, Robert Ellis Smith - Journalist, Privacy Journal

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    Robert Ellis Smith is a journalist who uses his training as an attorney to report on the individual's right to privacy. Since 1974, he has published Privacy Journal, a monthly newsletter on privacy in a computer age based in Providence, R.I.

    Smith is a frequent speaker, writer, and Congressional witness on privacy issues and has compiled a clearinghouse of information on the subject: computer data banks, credit and medical records, the Internet, electronic surveillance, the law of privacy, and physical and psychological privacy.

    Smith is the author of Ben Franklin's Web Site: Privacy and Curiosity from Plymouth Rock to the Internet (Spring 2000), the first and only published history of privacy in the U.S. He is also the author of Our Vanishing Privacy (1993), The Law of Privacy Explained (1993), Privacy: How to Protect What's Left of It; Workrights, a book describing individual rights in the work place; and The Big Brother Book of Lists. Privacy Journal also publishes Compilation of State and Federal Privacy Laws, Celebrities and Privacy, and War Stories, a collection of anecdotes on privacy invasions.

    The New York Times said Smith "sounds the alarm about maintaining freedom and privacy in the computer age" and called him "a principled critic." Privacy Journal is "a privacy watchdog," according to Time, and "the paper of record for lawyers and others interested in privacy rights," according to U.S. News and World Report.

    Smith, has been asked to write the definitive statement on privacy in the last two editions of The World Book Encyclopedia. He has appeared on all three network morning news programs, as well as "Face the Nation," "Nightline," and "All Things Considered." He has been a regular commentator on "Marketplace" on American Public Radio.




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    Robin Davis is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER leveraging 24 years of experience in the business. She is the owner and top advisor of Davis Wealth Enhancement Group in Stuart, FL. She has been advising retirees and those nearing retirement since 1984, helping her clients work toward their financial goals. A member of the Financial Planning Association, Davis had held hundreds of public seminars around the country.

    Robin is the author of an award winning book titled, "Who's Sitting on Your Nest Egg? Why You Need a Financial Advisor and Ten Easy Tests for Finding the Best One", which is endorsed by the Financial Planning Association. The book reveals the importance of working with a competent, ethical advisor and offers readers 10 easy tests for finding the best financial planner. She hopes to aid investors in discerning between the "salesmen" in the financial industry- those who have dollar signs in their eyes instead of your best interest in mind-and quality financial planners.

    Davis is a contributing author for Affluent Magazine and has been a guest on numerous radio shows including Oprah & Friends.

    Contact Information
    Phone: 772.600.1076
    Fax: 772.463.4441
    Web: www.robindaviscfp.com
    E-mail: rdavis@robindaviscfp.com


    Jan 7, Pam Dixon - Author and Researcher

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    Author and researcher Pam Dixon founded the World Privacy Forum in November 2003. As an author and a researcher, she has consistently broken critical new ground in her work. She researched and wrote the first report on medical identity theft (May 2006), bringing that topic to the public for the first time. Medical identity theft is now a widely acknowledged issue, just two years after the report's publication. In 2008, a California law was passed based on Dixon's research, and Dixon has also worked on medical identity theft issues nationally and internationally through her non-profit work public interest research work with the World Privacy Forum.

    Two earlier research studies Dixon wrote on fraudulent Internet sites led to FTC enforcement actions against "imposter domains." A groundbreaking longitudinal research study Dixon wrote on job scams was the first research documentation of the problem as it impacted consumers. The report greatly increased awareness of the problem for consumers and in the job search industry, eventually leading to positive changes in the sector. She was also the principal investigator and author of the first sector-wide study of job applicant privacy, a report a year in its research that was released in November 2003. Dixon won the Consumer Excellence Award in 2008.

    In addition to her national and international work at the World Privacy Forum, Dixon serves as co-chair of the California Privacy and Security Advisory Board, a state level board which reports to the California Secretary of Health. Dixon was formerly a research fellow with the Privacy Foundation at Denver University's Sturm School of Law. There, she researched and wrote about technology-related privacy issues.

    Dixon has written extensively about technology both as a book author and as a former New Media columnist for the San Diego Union Tribune. Ms. Dixon has written seven books for major publishers, including two critically acclaimed books about technology and consumers. She wrote the first book to ever be published about the subject of online job searching, a book for Random House / Times Books which went on to be a finalist for the Computer Press Awards. Her book on distance education is a classic and is used in college classrooms today. Dixon is frequently quoted in the media regarding privacy and security issues.

    The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Time, Fortune, U.S. News and World Report, Newsweek, Business Week, The Los Angeles Times, New York Newsday, The San Francisco Chronicle, Reader's Digest, USA Today, the Sunday Times (London), Wissen (Germany), and many others have featured and quoted Dixon. Dixon's television appearances include segments on Good Morning America, CBS News' "48 Hours," the BBC, NBC, ABC, CNN, Fox, PBS, MSNBC and NPR.